
Ponedeljek, 18. oktober 2021

09:00 - 09:05

Otvoritev dogodka Java & Cloud

Urban Zaletel

Tudi prejšnje leto smo imeli virtualno konferenco, ki se je odvijala čez cel teden, zato smo jo poimenovali MakeIT Week. Letos smo se odločili za drugačen format. Namesto dveh dni z več vzporednimi predavanji, bomo imeli več enodnevnih ali dvodnevnih dogodkov. Vsi ti dogodki bodo v jeseni, zato ime MakeIT Autumn.

09:05 - 09:50

Oracle Cloud - What's new, 2021

Robert Korošec

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - OCI se spreminja tedensko, vsak teden so dodane nove storitve, nove funkcionalnosti in spremljanje teh sprememb vzame veliko časa že nam, ki se vsak dan ukvarjamo z Oracle Cloud, kaj šele našim uporabnikom.

Da bi lažje spremljali razvoj storitev v Oracle OCI, bo predstavljeno stanje Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in pomembne Oracle OCI novosti v letu 2021.

Author's biography

Robert Korošec je od leta 1999 je zaposlen v podjetju Oracle Software, kjer je delal kot svetovalec za Oracle baze podatkov in Oracle Exadata sisteme.

V zadnjem času se osredotoča na Oracle Cloud platformo, primarno na področju Oracle Autonomous Database, prediktivne analitike ter BigData analizo podatkov.

10:00 - 10:45

Releasing at the speed of light

Andres Almiray

Your project has reached that stage when it’s a good idea to post binaries, but new questions appear such as where should they be posted? How do make it easier for users to install and discover your binaries? Where should releases be announced? Most importantly, can answers to these question be automated? Enter JReleaser, a tool that provides answers to these questions and more. JReleaser may be used to create GiHub/GitLab/Gitea releases and publish binaries that can be consumed from different distribution channels such as Homebrew, Snap, Scoop, and more. Once published, the release cab be automatically announced on Twitter, Slack, Gitter, Discord, and other communication channels.

Come to this session to learn how JReleaser can help you release, publish, and announce binaries with ease, and fast!

Author's biography

Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and a Java Champion with more than 20 years of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application development since the early days of Java. Andres is a true believer in open source and has participated on popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects. Founding member of the Griffon framework and Hackergarten community event. You can find him on twitter too as @aalmiray. He likes to spend time with his beloved wife, Ixchel, when not hacking around.

10:55 - 11:40

On the Bleeding Edge of OpenTelemetry

Philipp Krenn

Tracing and telemetry are popular topics right now, but the development is so quick that it also confuses:

  • Starting with OpenTracing, then W3C Trace-Context, and now OpenTelemetry there are plenty of standards, but what do or don't they cover?

  • How do the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and its projects like Jaeger play into that.

  • Where is OpenTelemetry headed, and how can projects tie into it?

This talk gives an overview of standards, projects, and how they all tie together.

Author's biography

Philipp lives to demo interesting technology. Having worked as a web, infrastructure, and database engineer for over ten years, Philipp is now a developer advocate and EMEA team lead at Elastic — the company behind the Elastic Stack consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. Based in Vienna, Austria, he is constantly traveling Europe and beyond to speak and discuss open source software, search, databases, infrastructure, and security — hopefully soon again 😷

11:50 - 12:35

Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes with Hazelcast

Nicolas Fränkel

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day because we need to handle state. Though it would be much easier to have stateless apps, and despite our best efforts in this direction, state is found in (at least) two places: sessions and databases.

You need to think keeping the state while stopping and starting application nodes. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema change with the help of Hazelcast, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Author's biography

Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Currently working for Hazelcast. Also double as a trainer and triples as a book author.

12:35 - 13:20

Kosilo / Lunch

13:20 - 14:05

Managed Kafka

Pete Muir
Red Hat

Many modern video games are constantly evolving post-release. New maps, game modes, and game balancing adjustments are rolled out, often on a weekly basis. This continuous iteration to improve player engagement and satisfaction requires data-driven decision-making based on events and telemetry captured during gameplay, and from community forums and discussions.

In this session you will learn how Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams can be used to analyze real-time events and telemetry reported by a game server. Specifically, you’ll learn how to:

  • Provision Kafka clusters on OpenShift Streams

  • Develop a Javaapplication that uses Kafka Streams and Quarkus to process event data.

  • Deploy the application locally, or on OpenShift and connect it to your OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka Cluster.

Author's biography

Pete Muir is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat where he works on Red Hat’s cloud services, including Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. Previously, Pete was Technical Director for Red Hat Developer Tools, a co-creator of and author of Java specifications including Contexts and Dependency injection.

14:15 - 15:00

Oracle’s Enterprise Container Management Platform: Verrazzano

David Cabelus

Verrazzano is Oracle's an end-to-end Enterprise Container Platform for hosting either cloud-native as traditional applications in multi-cloud and hybrid environments. It is based on components which are well known in the Open Source community and a lot of the tools are either a CNCF incubated or even graduated project. This enables customers to lift and shift their current standard applications to a Cloud Native platform, and also leaves room for developing Cloud Native applications. It supports Multi Cloud, Dev and GitOps practices, and is prepared for landing either Oracle products such as WebLogic, Coherence and Helidon or Open Source technology Verrazzano consist of the folowing components: Containers (Docker) Orchestration (Kubernetes) Kubernetes Management(Rancher) Identity & Access Management(Keycloak) Service Routing (Istio) Logging and tracing (ELK, Jaeger).

Author's biography

Dave is a product manager in the OCI Developer Service group, with a focus on OKE add-ons and hybrid cloud. He joined Oracle in 2008.

15:10 - 15:55

Leveraging Multi-Cloud Clusters in Real-World Scenarios

Adrienne Tacke

Public, Private, Hybrid...Multi-Cloud?

As the cloud development options and architectures continue to evolve, we've finally found ourselves at the next new thing: Multi-Cloud. What is it? Do we really need it? How would you take advantage of a multi-cloud solution?

In this talk, I'd like to describe a few real-world use cases where a multi-cloud solution is currently in production, specifically when it comes to data. A demo on how to setup a multi-cloud cluster will also be shown.

The audience will leave with a more confident understanding of real-world, multi-cloud use cases and see how to create their own!

Author's biography

Currently a Senior Developer Advocate for MongoDB, Adrienne Tacke is also a Filipina software engineer, speaker, published author of the book Coding for Kids: Python, and a LinkedIn Learning instructor who specializes in Cloud Development courses. Perhaps most important, however, is that she spends way too much money on desserts and ungodly amounts of time playing Age of Empires II.

Torek, 19. oktober 2021

09:05 - 09:50

Helidon + Microstream = A really performant combination!

Dmitry Aleksandrov

Abstract: Hear how Helidon enables you to write tiny microservices with a small memory footprint and distribution size yet with ultimate performance. Learn about the powerful Helidon tooling and its two flavours. See how state of the art technology Microstream provides High-Performance Java-Native-Persistence. How we can store and load any Java Object Graph or Subgraphs partially, with microsecond Response Time, Ultra-High throughput, Minimum of Latencies. The combination of Helidon and Microstream will bring your microservices to another level!

Author's biography

Dmitry is a software developer at Oracle, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker. Currently working on Project Helidon. He has more than a decade experience mainly in Java Enterprise in banking/telecom, but interested in dynamic languages on JVM and features like massive computations on GPUs. A true believer in open source and community driven initiatives. He is a co-lead of the Bulgarian Java User Group and co-organizer of jPrime Conf.

Dmitry is a blogger and also a frequent speaker at local events as well as conferences like JavaOne/CodeOne, Devoxx/Voxxed and Joker/JPoint.

10:00 - 10:45

Kubernetes Native Java with MicroProfile and Quarkus

Roberto Cortez

Java doesn’t work well in a container on Kubernetes right? Too big? Too slow to start? Not anymore with Quarkus! Quarkus significantly reduces the container resource requirements for memory and startup, while still supporting standard APIs like Eclipse MicroProfile.

Author's biography

Roberto Cortez is a passionate Java Developer with more than 10 years of experience. He is involved within the Open Source Community to help other individuals spread the knowledge about Java technologies. He is a regular speaker at conferences like JavaOne, Devoxx, Devnexus, JFokus and others. He leads the Coimbra JUG and founded the JNation Conference in Portugal. When he is not working, he hangs out with friends, plays computer games and spends time with family.

10:55 - 11:40

High Performance Java-Cloud-Native Apps & Microservices

Markus Kett
MicroStream Software GmbH


Author's biography

TMarkus and his team have been working on IDE tools for Java and database development for almost 20 years. He is the product owner of the RapidClipse IDE project, which is a free Eclipse distribution and visual Java IDE. Markus is co-founder and CEO at MicroStream, editor in chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine ( in Germany and organizer of the Java conference JCON ( He is an independent editor for several magazines, and speaker at many developer conferences, user groups, and meetups.

11:50 - 12:35

5 tips on creating modern, cloud-native applications

Rustam Mehmandarov

Whether you work as a software developer, data scientist, or ML engineer, you will develop applications – for your customers, products or as a support for the latest and coolest ML model that you have just built.

With the introduction of the Cloud, a lot has changed in the way we work with the development and deployment of our applications.

In this talk, we look at 5 things to look for when creating an application in the Cloud age.

Author's biography

Passionate computer scientist. Java Champion and Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Cloud. Public speaker.

Social media links:

Follow me on Twitter:

12:35 - 13:20

Kosilo / Lunch

13:20 - 14:40

Spark for Java devs

Pasha Finkelshteyn

In this session, we'll find what developers writing in JVM languages need to know to start working with Apache Spark and also

  1. We'll write an example business-like pipeline

  2. We'll look at different Spark APIs

  3. We'll define differences between them

As a result, the audience will learn how to use Spark in several different ways to query and analyze data and will be ready to build a simple data pipeline with Spark.

Author's biography

Years of experience made Pasha know the IT through and through, and data is the thing he fell in love with. As a Developer Advocate for Big Data @JetBrains, he helps to create tools for data engineers. When he's not advocating, he writes in Kotlin, and speaks at conferences (e.g.datalove).

Also, he's the author and maintainer of Kotlin API for Apache Spark.

14:50 - 15:35

Security in the cloud

Krzysztof Pawlowski
Merapar Technologies

Cloud computing changed the way we develop software. We are not dependant on the infrastucture / IT teams any more. We, as the developers, are empowered to setup the infrastructure on our own, which in most cases helps us deliver faster. However, with great power comes great responsibility. How often do we think about the security thread when implementing our solutions? Are we aware a simple mistake when configuring access policies can have a huge consequences? During the presentation I will present the biggest security breaches in the cloud solutions known from the news and tell you how they could be avoided.

Author's biography

Krzysztof Pawłowski is a technical director at Merapar Technologies Poland and former lecturer at Polish-Japanese Academy of IT with a strong background in Java development. He has played different roles in IT as developer, architect, team lead and product owner. Currently Krzysztof leads a team developing cloud solutions for TMT sector. He is AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional and AWS Certified DevOps Professional.

15:45 - 16:30

Cloud Microservices for the next Billion users

Tejas Chopra
Netflix, Inc.

The food wastage in India is 70 tonnes per year, and there is mismanagement at several layers. Approximately 20-30% of the wastage happens in the last mile, between wholesale traders, and retail mom-and-pop stores. Is there something we can do about food wastage?

This was the problem statement I attempted to solve as a first engineering hire at a startup. Our customers were 12.8 million retail owners that deal in FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods, such as food grains, tooth paste, etc.). The goal was to develop a platform for retail traders (mom and pop shop owners / small and medium business owners) to buy FMCG products from wholesale traders using an Android app.

We were attacking a deeply entrenched business practice to help solve a societal goal. For a section of the population which is not very well versed with smartphones and technology, the user experience had to be designed from the ground up to be multi-lingual, fungible, unstructured, and relevant. In this talk, I cover how we went about iterating the solution from a simple SMS based system to a full fledged app backed by micro-services. Having a micro-service architecture provided us the agility to experiment and iterate quickly, and we were able to push out changes much faster, and help solve wastage problems even sooner.

I will discuss the several problems we faced in this segment with regards to unstructured data, and how our data models had to adapt. We used cloud services extensively, so I will also cover how different pieces came together in a cogent form to build better experience for our customers.

After having worked in bigger companies on software projects that scale to millions of devices, this was a unique challenge for me, and something I am very proud of. I would like to share my experience in building empathetic software for the masses.

Author's biography

Tejas Chopra is a Senior Software Engineer, working in the Data Storage Platform team at Netflix, where he is responsible for architecting storage solutions to support Netflix Studios and Netflix Streaming Platform. Prior to Netflix, Tejas was working on designing and implementing the storage infrastructure at Box, Inc. to support a cloud content management platform that scales to petabytes of storage & millions of users. Tejas has worked on distributed file systems & backend architectures, both in on-premise and cloud environments as part of several startups in his career. Tejas is an International Keynote Speaker and periodically conducts seminars on Micro services, NFTs, Software Development & Cloud Computing and has a Masters Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, with a specialization in Computer Systems.